
Good things

'we got ours, now get your own

Also, excellent find on petfinders.org (my favorite site):




One more week. One more week. Month long break.

Stressing about xmas presents and plans.

23-24: Danny's Mom's in VA
25 morning/early afternoon: My parents (Baltimore) and then grandmother's house (Columbia)
25 night: Danny's Dad's in Frederick

Hannukah is the Monday before Christmas and Danny's B-Day is the Sunday before Christmas...lordy

We have to have my parents watch Elinor the 20th because both of Danny's sets of parents are coming in and they don't know about her. I hate lying in general and the dinner/tour of our apartment is gonna totally freak me out.


-beating a 6'4 former skin head with skull tattoos in Mortal Combat...TWICE...because Kitana is my homegirl (Jew-1 Jesse-0)
-step-brothers & E! THS over and over with Evelyn
-stealing paper for Bobby and getting yelled at by the asian troll of the towson computer labs
-weekend was productive. lots of sleep and cleaning on my part.
-Zeppy is down to about 2-3 walks a day
-Elinor is 99.5% recovered from her cold and finished her anti-biotics
-SHAN MAY MOVE IN (if she gets into Towson) which I am unbelievably stoked about